There's a strong consensus that the BDSP Elite Four are some of the hardest in the series, but can we talk about something truly shocking?

Is Maylene now the strongest third Gym Leader in the franchise?

43 1052

I thought it would be funny if Maylene would turn into a psychic type :)

29 106


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Time for a new profile pic, here's a Mayleea chibi~

❤️'s & RTs welcome, help me reach more ppl!

0 11

"You weren't supposed to see this yet- :C"
Merry almost Crimmas, have a Mayleea

❤️'s & RTs welcome, help me reach more ppl!

3 16

Wiped to Maylene and those Bulk Up strats .💀 It's tough but the Microlocke will continue. Thanks to everyone that stopped by. Also there was a Meme Redeem redeemed by . Kinda sus idk.👀

0 7

No me acuerdo cual cree primero pero allá por el año 2012 cree a estos 3 .
Draden, Maylene y Ryan Lect .
Eran los protas de mi primera historia que me niego a compartir porque es demasiado cringe... 🤮🤮🤮

0 2

My pokemon BDSP Hardcore Nuzlocke teaammm, no starter cz it died against maylene :(

0 3

Maylene uses Aura Sphere

36 143

In celebration of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, here's a chibified Maylene showing off why she's a barefoot fighting genius. Big kick, big feet, big head!

19 118

Drew an older Maylene from because I'm going to be playing the fuck outta that later.

Porbably going to draw Gardenia for my Patrons later at

39 169

my favorite gym leaders/trial captains are….

Kanto: Misty
Johto: Claire
Hoenn: Flannery
Sinnoh: Maylene
Unova: Skyla
Kalos: Korrina
Alola: Nanu
Galar: Saito

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Fankidtober Day 30 - North

Candice and Maylene's daughter

1 3