Tá Féile na nÓg ag teacht!
Beidh lá iontach lán le ceardlanna litríochta agus ealaíne don teaghlach go léir sa ar Satharn 5 Deireadh Fómhair!
Imeachtaí go léir saor in aisce!
Bí linn ó 10am go 5pm. Imeachtaí do scoileanna ar 4 DF.

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I'm wanting to open art trades. I can draw your character or create them in as a wrestler. Let me know if your interested.

5 11

New artwork for sale! - "Chaverim, Hag Sameach" - https://t.co/2KGhjkvYE2

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To everyone who's celebrating Passover this week, chag sameach!

4 19

New page of Aeronaut is up over at https://t.co/PydXHwGHrz

Chag Sameach, etc. to those who celebrate.

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To those celebrating Passover - Chag Pesach sameach. To those celebrating Easter - we wish you a *bloody Good* Friday and a joyful w/e. To absolutely everyone - let your people and the good vibes flow 🧜‍♀️Illo by

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Chag Sameach Moar Be-Ahava חג שמח מואר באהבה
From the Great Canadian North, may the blessing of this Miracle season help to chase away the darkness, and illuminate our future.

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hanukkah sameach!! sweater text suggested by

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Hanukkah Sameach! I hope yours is at least less stressful then Barney's.

3 31

I'm sending this out early cuz it feels like an important week.
Wishing You a & Sameach. Here are & for all to experience. Sending & of

0 1

🎃Like Day and Night 🎃 My late Halloween contribution! 。゚(TヮT)゚。

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Give Me A Chance☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆.。.:*・°☆

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