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д᧐ᴧжны ʍы ᴄ ᴨᴇᴄнᴇй ʙ ʍиᴩ ɯᴀᴦᴀᴛь
#metalfamily #металфемели
This is them AFTER moving in together.🥰🥰❤️
#metalfamily #metalfamilyfanart #metalfamilyches #чес #глэм #металфемили #metalfamilychesnok #metalfamilyglam #chesglam
POV: когда сидите на скучном семейном вечере и стараетесь не уснуть
Рэм от @KyleInTrouble
Люк от @Devilicious_Art
#metalfamily #metalfamilyOC
Based on Ches’ Q&A when Ches said he didn’t even know Glam liked girls. I bet meeting Vicky was quite a shock. 😂😂😂
#metalfamily #metalfamilyches #чес #глэм #металфемили #metalfamilyglam #metalfamilyvicky #Вики #vickyglam
Angst Warning: Self-harm, suicide attempt
I made this before #metalfamily s2 ep3. Ches found out about his mom, he didn’t want to be here anymore. Glam comforted him through rehab.
#metalfamilyfanart #metalfamilyches #чес #глэм #металфемили #metalfamilychesnok #metalfamilyglam
flies are the main problem of life, now even in the phantom of the conservatory~ @futagogo #metalfamilyfanart #metalfamilyches #metalfamilyglam #chesglam #ches
Explore more Massive New #Metal now:
#Sunday #BurningWitches #metalfamily #music #listen #share #RT
Говорят, что если коснуться носа человека, то он влюбится в тебя ❤
#metalfamily #ChesDee #DeeChes #Ches #Dee
#металфемили #MetalFamily
I'm getting MORE and MORE hyped as this story progresses!!! https://t.co/sPRtpFNN5w
[ #THEND_anli #metalfamily #metal_family #металфэмили ]
Art for a new song from Glam ⭐
Ya regrese🔥💖..
Los saludo con un Dee🐆
#metalfamily #metalfamilyfanart #deemetalfamily
#fanart #ArtistOnTwitter
Drew Glam again, lined it first, then decided to color it with watercolors
#metalfamilyfanart #metalfamily #glam #металФемели