ʍы ᴨᴇᴄнᴇй ʙыᴩᴀжᴀᴇʍ чуʙᴄᴛʙᴀ,
ᴋᴀᴋиᴇ — ᴛᴩудн᧐ ᧐ᴨиᴄᴀᴛь.
н᧐ ᴨуᴄᴛь нᴇ будᴇᴛ ʙ ᴄᴇᴩдцᴇ ᴨуᴄᴛ᧐,
д᧐ᴧжны ʍы ᴄ ᴨᴇᴄнᴇй ʙ ʍиᴩ ɯᴀᴦᴀᴛь

6 17

POV: когда сидите на скучном семейном вечере и стараетесь не уснуть
Рэм от
Люк от

3 20

Based on Ches’ Q&A when Ches said he didn’t even know Glam liked girls. I bet meeting Vicky was quite a shock. 😂😂😂

31 522

Angst Warning: Self-harm, suicide attempt

I made this before s2 ep3. Ches found out about his mom, he didn’t want to be here anymore. Glam comforted him through rehab.

36 466

flies are the main problem of life, now even in the phantom of the conservatory~

7 30

Говорят, что если коснуться носа человека, то он влюбится в тебя ❤

10 66

[ ]
Art for a new song from Glam ⭐

19 80

Мне зашла эта тема ✨

12 84

Drew Glam again, lined it first, then decided to color it with watercolors

19 124