ばりぐっどくんでJohn Everett Millaisに好きな男性描いてもらってるけど、肝心の長髪がほぼ認識されないという悲しみ
あと2枚目の人の顔めちゃくちゃ好き かわいい

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”Lying down”も×、”Sleeping”も×、”ophelia pose by millais”でやっと4枚目だけどオフィーリア違う。。

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Freya as the Ophelia Painting by J. E. Millais, 1852 🌸

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John Everett Millais, The Good Samaritan, engraved by the Dalziel Brothers, 1863 https://t.co/qTLgE45E9Q

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John Everett Millais, The Good Samaritan, 19th century https://t.co/q5lAjalpmg

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John Millais upset some of his fellow Pre Raphaelites when he decided to use his work for a soap advertisements, the little boy blowing ‘bubbles ‘ The title for ‘Pears Soap’ .
1) Miss Muffet
2)Going down ‘Cherry Ripe’
These have lots of appeal

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'Mark', she said 'The men are here' - by John Everett Millais, 1861. The scene depicts Fanny Roberts telling her husband that the bailiffs are at the door. A scene from Framley Parsonage by Anthony Trollope.

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Pero también añade flores propias para reforzar el significado de su pintura. En la escena aparecen tres tipos de flores: las que menciona Shakespeare, las que copia Millais durante el invierno, y las que copia durante el verano en el río Hogsmill, en Surrey.

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Poco después, Ofelia va al bosque a recoger flores, y al subirse a un árbol, la rama se rompe y cae al río. Allí, canta una canción hasta que se ahoga y muere. Millais representará algunas de las flores que Ofelia lleva a la corte y las que recoge en el bosque. (Waterhouse)

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Hunt also portrayed his contemporaries such as his PRB friends Rossetti (1853) & Millais (1853). Also shown is Edward Lear (1857). The latter is almost hallucinatory in its scrutiny.

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John Everett Millais, The Unjust Judge and the Importunate Widow, 1864 https://t.co/prOW1wLvPt

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