so apparently my ssh client has a built-in minesweeper.
That 8 in the middle was a surprisingly easy to find.

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Technology has come so far that I'm playing Minesweeper inside Sonic inside Doom

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아는 사람만 아는 지뢰찾기의 진실
원제목인 Minesweeper는 소해함 또는 기뢰탐색함을 의미합니다.

사실 우리가 지뢰라고 생각했던 것은 기뢰이고, 깃발은 Dan bouy라고 해서 기뢰의 위치를 표시해 주는 부표였던 것

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Zombie minesweeper is nice n gory! Lead the ghouls into the mines! On IOS and android.

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