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I've been playing sky again recently and the idea of a disabled skykid with a mobility aid has been in my back of my head for a few days
This is Harumi and their service manta, Miso! :)

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myeyes really hurt;probably ferom cyring;miso-miso

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. 『みそかつぱふぇ)』
(Miso Katsu Pafu))

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Christmas illustration redeem for miso4art! His oc Momoka!

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Before I sleep, wanted to wish everyone a Happy Dongzhi / Winter Solstice / Blessed Yule!
I conveniently did some dumpling art for a book cover last year 🥟🥟🥟
I did not eat dumplings today, but I had a big roast, tofu/miso congee and had the wood burning stove on, so yay?

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しらゆきさん(@ m_tk_hero)、pearさん(@ udon_miso)にお付き合いいただき、下書き線画塗りを交換しました!✍️

完成したイラストはツリーに繋げます⤵︎ ︎

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Moot Monday Christmas Edition! Drawin Demon Mom Miso in Crimbo Wear!

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Jean Grey: Hokkaido miso

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📆 New releases this week 📆

📌 Dec 12
Beast’s Storm: Hold Me Baby! by Morry Kuroi () 🆕

📌 Dec 14
Fall Madly in Love and Sing: R. I. P. by miso () 🆕

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味噌きゅうり[@ miso_011 ]さんの


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Oi, sou a miso, acho que vou lançar uma comi no fim do ano ainda
Faço desenho tanto no digital quanto tradicional
Se gostar siga meu perfil

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Oi eu sou a miso e acho que vou lançar uma hq ainda esse ano
Aí alguns dos meus desenhos, desenho tanto no tradicional quanto no digital
Desenho pra não morrer de ansiedade...é isso
Se gostarem dos meus desenhos me sigam

3 21

I slept in today, had dumplings for lunch and then cleaned my apt, did the dishes and laundry, worked on some stuff

I made myself salmon with veggies and miso soup for dinner, then took a nice shower after cleaning the kitchen

Take care of yourself, it feels amazing

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Miso in the wild

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Rei Ayanami is enjoying a bowl of miso soup!

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