some doodles from the stream
You guys truly helped make this year a good one.

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Both my friend Summer and I thank you both for your hard work this past year. We could not be more thankful for being a part of such a memorable experience

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This year I truly threw myself into my passion and this channel was a huge motivator. I’ve seen myself and my art grow along with them.
Thank you and goodbye

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One Year-- This time spent laughing, crying, living. I thank you and everyone involved so very much for it. There isn't a day or night that will go by where I wont forget this channel and what it brought to me. And on a light hearted note, Buy The Merch (;

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unas annus has been such a happy part of my year and as sad as i am to see it go i feel okay. i drew fanart to show my love of unas annus and i think very fond of the memmories you guys gave me. thank you, rest easy unas and annus

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ive been working on my art a lot and though i wasnt able to keep up with every video because of mental issues, im glad i was here. thank you guys for posting so much for us. thank you for getting so many people through so much. i love you two.

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This has been a rough year, for almost all of us. Thank you to the boys. For everything. (Not my art)

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Thank you so much for an amazing year. It’s hard to let go.

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but i never thought id be so at peace just 1 hour away from the inevitable demise of Unus Annus, ive learnt so much more than i could have imagined,
Thank you. from every aspect. You made 2020 one of the best years ever. 💀🤍🖤🤍💀

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Been here since the start of the channel, and it’s been fun. Honestly it gave me a good laugh when It was needed and I’m pretty glad to watch it get to here. Sucks to say goodbye though xD

Fanart WIP ran out of time to finish-

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Thank you Mark and Ethan for giving me something to look forward to everyday and I’m very glad to be a part of this cult and my best wishes go to you <3

Goodbye is at the end
Momento Mori.

Unnus Annus.

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Had to finish this before the stream ended. Momento mori. Goodbye guys, and thank you. <3

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Unus Annus is one of the only things that's ever made me overjoyed and incredibly anxious at the same time. The fear of that clock is very real, but thank you for making such an enjoyable reminder of mortality. One last repost of the art I made during the stream

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I will miss this channel so much. It really helped me get through quarantine and I’ve looked forward to their videos every day. Good bye Unus Annus. We will all miss you 🖤🤍#UnusAnnusisoverparty

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Thanks to you both and the whole team for bringing some joy to what has been an otherwise anxiety filled year for many of us. Your daily videos have brought stability to me and to others I'm sure. Please be patient with us as we grieve. We love you. We will miss you.

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Goodbye and thank you I wouldn’t of made it this far without you I thought I’d try one more time with this good bye hashtag I just want to thank you

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