Some Monferno emotes I made for fun! One's just having a thonk and the other a smug-looking shrug 🤔😏

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Monferno has a very cool design

Points off for it's repetitive Fire/Fighting Typing

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A worthy entry for the Monferno name~ 👍

But I really like how you used the warm color palette in this picture! You could say it’s “super effective?”

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Monferno used Mach Punch! 🤜

My contribution for the updated Pokérap by !

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391 - Monferno
Type: Fire/Fighting

It uses ceilings and walls to launch aerial attacks. Its fiery tail is but one weapon.

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Evolution line 🔥🦧

A series I’m halfway through with the pokemon starters: continuing the Sinnoh ones with Chimchar, Monferno, and Infernape!



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391 - Monferno
Type: Fire/Fighting

It uses ceilings and walls to launch aerial attacks. Its fiery tail is but one weapon.

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7. Infernape, Monferno, or Lucario

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Ok, so Rayrou was revamped before but her design didn't really feel like an even split between pikachu and monferno.
So I tried to sketch a mockup of what she would look with my current design philosophy, even tried a different mon to see how she'd look.
which do you prefer?

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I still feel like I draw Monferno better than everything else lol 🖤

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Fan art for the webcomic Sly & Presents
My headcannon of a team Leon the became apart of in my fanfiction.
Roland the Abnormal & Lynceus the belongs to me.
Really fun making this piece, glad it turned out alright! 😃❤

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Chimchar, Monferno and Infernape!

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grovferno used leaf blade! 🧡💚

grovyle and monferno pokéfusion


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391 - Monferno
Type: Fire/Fighting

It uses ceilings and walls to launch aerial attacks. Its fiery tail is but one weapon.

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Beta chimchar line looks kinda the same. This shows how chimchar, infernape, and monferno’s design were so perfect they didn’t need to change it except adding more details to the sprite

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