No 51: Erfindung/Invention
This is Paul – a really exceptional well-bred dragon (of course!).
About one year ago he invented his very first monster … and a hashtag.

4 27


Happy 50th monster! The 6-Headed Haunter likes to show his 50 best teeth (though he has a lot more!)

5 38

Happy 50th prompt
This was for last weeks prompt to be honest.. what makes you happy and it’s family as monsters 😂

13 50

Well thank you to for the recent
Here’s some finished and some pieces I’m on 😉
Anyone from please share if you want 😀

9 33

No 49: lächeln/smile

Dear bubble: to be honest – all of your monsters make me smile. Each Sunday. Again and again and again. Thank you. ❤️

7 41

No. 48 favorite food as a monster.

This is Chicken-Wingosaurus. He is conveniently often followed by a slithering Beer Muggle.

3 27

No 47: Kindheitsheld / Childhood Hero

Da gibt‘s natürlich nur einen / There is of course only one:

5 29

by No 47 your favorite childhood hero as a monster.

Since most of my well known childhood heros were monsters (Dracula, Frankenstein, wolfman), I drew my real world heroes, my late parents, as my favorite monster - vampires.

3 29

Paul und Waltraud wollten Balou finden, weil er so nett sein soll. Naja, nett ist er nicht immer.


4 22

Die Lehrerin vom Bub möchte gerne, dass ich ihr ein paar Vorlagen für nette Monsterchen male. Eigentlich nur die Outlines… konnte mich dann aber nicht so ganz bremsen :)


2 48

Well here’s a poor fella indeed. It’s got the old butterflies in the stomach before a first date. The butterfly has other plans though! hosted by

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No 46: first-date monster

This is Unworthbert – the self-doubt monster. Just pass it.

6 29


Für das heutige von hier mal ein paar verantwortungsbewusste Erschrecker.

1 12

Das neugierigste, und gleichzeitig schlimmste, aller Monster ist das „Na-schon-über-morgen-nachgedacht-Monster“.
Es wohnt in Milliarden von Köpfen und ähnelt jeweils seinem Wirt.

Entstanden für von

Pose according Deadpool

8 47

Pssst... bitte nicht so laut!
Hier macht gerade jemand seinen Niedlichkeitsschlaf.

4 70