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ミケ(Mike)本名 ミシェル・ジルバート
海外ドラマ「NCIS ネイビー犯罪捜査班」の二次創作
NCIS とか、ドラマに関することはググってくださいまし

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oh god.. uh if it’s very first it’s Midna from LOZ. But if video games don’t count. First XJ9 / Jenny, and after that. Shego or basically any goth girls in cartoons. Tho real talk. Growing up I had a huge crush on ABBY from NCIS. HUGE.

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なんかめっちゃくちゃ可愛い子かけたからオリキャラ認定!⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝

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Vance: How many times did I tell Dinozzo to leave his smart ass attitude back in DC!”
Gibbs: “You shoulda checked his bags.”

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bees: haha zico is on android lmaoo
zico: i am a GALAXY USER
bees: lol remember when they mentioned zico on ncis
zico: yo i was mentioned on ncis!!!

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-Kasie: ...I’ve found smth
-Torres: The address where of they're holding Morgan?
-Kasie: Man, how easy do you think this job is? No, I found bird poop
-Gibbs: You ID the bird?
-Kasie: You mean did I get the birds name and social security # ? No. Srsly u 2? 😂#kasiehines ❤️

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•Ducky: He’s *dead*, Doctor Palmer.
•Jimmy: Yeah, I noticed that when I removed his spleen and he didn’t complain! 😂

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“Tony Dinozzo. The Italian Gigolo furniture mover” Tony to Ducky’s Mom

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One gets over the loss of a wallet, or a watch. But a loved one, they never leave you. You'll never get over, you only get through. Ziva David

Ziva David Lives❤️

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NCIS ネイビー犯罪捜査班 アビー(eye color間違えた)。クリミナルマインド ガルシア。

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NCIS-LA ケンジーブライ

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Abby from is for sure one of the best goth girls ever and one of my personal favorites. :D

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