Enchanter's nightshade and curious coot behaviour on a willowy backwater at Newmillerdam this morning.


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Our neighbour has grown some horseshoe geraniums (a.k.a. zonal pelargoniums) this year and gave us this plant as a small seedling.


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The Silkwood Farm, Junction 40, Ossett: Pigeons and a magpie fly over a square of grassy waste ground between the vehicle testing centre and the snack van.


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We did a bit of beachcombing along the strandline at Bridlington yesterday, between award-winning North Beach Fish & Chips and a champion roast latte at the local Costa.


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Growing by the entrance lodge near the war memorial at Newmillerdam Country Park, green alkanet, a native of south-west Europe, was grown in cottage gardens.


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It’s been a good year for the pink-footed geese at St Aidan’s. Two families swam by along one of the drains with a total of 16 goslings between the two pairs.


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Ducks and geese are beginning to gather again on the lake at Newmillerdam with a small flotilla of Canadas hanging around the war memorial.


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The blue tit chicks left the nest box this afternoon while we were out but sadly not all of them made it.


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Some quick sketches of Diana Monkeys from in dip pen and ink with light grey markers!

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Sun spurge thrives in our greenhouse because its seeds have oil-rich attachments which are irresistible to ants.


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A coot swims to the shore and immediately sees off two snoozing mallard drakes.


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By Benji Age 7 🍃 ‘Nature is fragile and we need to take care of it, like it takes care of us.’ It’s nearly 💚

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Three of the coot chicks are noticeably larger than the others and already coming out for a brief swim around the nest. The smaller chicks stay under the brooding bird.


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Like other aspects of sparrow life - such as feeding, drinking, dust bathing and courtship - 'gritting' is an opportunity for a bit of a social gathering and the inevitable chirruping dispute.


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