a nelf design im poking at here and there....

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Not the big cat, the elf. I submit my cat loving Nelf, Veldana!

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I got one ( and a nelf soon to be dh) but this is. Ghena, felstalker demon
Art by @/ShadowPriestArt ✨

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Like Nelf and Belf have the Demon Hunter class I think Orcs and Mag'har Orcs should have a Blademaster class.(It could be tank and dps just like Demon Hunter).

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Another obsession today. My Monk, Alloragon. At one point I switched to horde so there's two versions of her. Art done by Nyaka-N on DA 💚❤️

*If you can guess where the armor inspiration came from on the nelf version, you can have a cookie!* 👉👈😳

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Would marry her to my wuggo or nelf beefcake

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You can choose one, my hunter nelf Yagil Bladeleaf.🏹💜

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A character i keep around loosely- elabeyr! Gave her a widdle redesign

nelf druid nelf druid nelf druid nelf druid

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doodle of my nelf druid who im feeling weirdly nostalgic for lol

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WELL almost all my chars have something "exotic" that would have others say they're breaking the lore but a few of them; self-explanatory, a belf primal that did it with the help of science and magic. dh who isn't an illidari. more on the demon side than the nelf one. —

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A stream commission that ended up evolving into the owners Nelf in the Rave Viking with complimentary Hydration Goblin chasing her up.

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Did a Warmup and ended up drawing my old Nelf druid in his Solar God form. Missed him so much ☀️

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oh my,, thank you for the chance! offering my sweet nelf (shes a psycho but i love her) 🖤 (@/jinx4karma)

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I almost exclusively have male OCs soo....you wanna see some nelf guys?

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I lowkey, want to try this again 👀 So here´s Nessarian.

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Then there's my Nelf Rogue Daewen & DK Snowclaw, "twins" but I chose to split them between lithe Elezen and buff Roe:

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I miss my nelf, but wow is nothing but a distant memory by this point as the content is trash.

Shes a proud and sexy druid healer.

(art is not mine ! the only art of her that i had readily available though )

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like, my fav pair of chars who dont know each other is ag'kamuah and mythaesa (the male troll of the first art and the female nelf of the second). they'd surprisingly be very good friends even if they're not at all similar. i def want them friends in a modern au. (@/Kiyoshuki)

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