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A new comic has been released for ShinyColors featuring the members of Noctchill! Enjoy the translation~

The members of noctchill are off to pick up a ball in a pool! Hope they wont get caught~

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this one is for the boys with the good taste in noctchill members

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A new comic has been released for ShinyColors featuring the members of Noctchill! Enjoy the translation~

...I don't that's what hinana meant when she said "Koito rebelled," Toru. At least Koito is proud of what she did.

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Producers! A new comic has been released for Shiny Colors, featuring Toru and Madoka of Noctchill! Please enjoy~!

Oh Toru... perhaps someday we'll truly understand what goes on in your head...

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We shall now be posting important news from both days of Music Dawn!

Noctchill will now have their own Thanks Flapping Day scenario! This tfd scenario will be added this month.

Also a rebalance for TFD is planned.

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A special 2.5 anniv comic has been released for ShinyColors featuring the members of Noctchill! Enjoy the translation~

As seen in the comic, Hinana is very carefree and jolly! Perhaps her smile and ever joyful demeanor can make people happy in a way.

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A special 2.5 anniv comic has been released for ShinyColors, featuring the members of Noctchill! Enjoy the translation~

Madoka is right, Koito. Just relax. Don't think too hard about the film.

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