画質 高画質

I'm very happy to be commissioned by a VTuber again to create a song cover illustration😎

Moreover, this time it's for a song. 😍I'm very excited 😍Currently in the sketch stage, please look forward to it.

85 403

I was right all along....
you were just another threat to Rubicon.

591 2691

"They should just get along."
"Same here."

※The person in the back and the one on the right are my OC.

63 529

artist! tidak BERNAFAS..... i Am Dying...... tolong..... sesek nafas.... mual.... muntah..... tidak sanggup...... tidak sanggup melanjutkan wip ini..... i cant do this...... SESAK....... gak bisa napas....... tolongin.... tolong... TOLONG.....

0 30

gak ketemu Albedo berbulan-bulan seperti tidak BERNAFAS..... i Am Dying...... tolong..... sesek nafas.... mual.... muntah..... i cant live for months without seeing him........ i cant do this...... SESAK....... gak bisa napas....... tolongin.... tolong... TOLONG..... Babu!

35 95

Actually, I first played in Chapter 1 Season 1....🫠
I hadn't played for a while after that and started again in Chapter 2 Season 5 when a cute character named Lexa came along....!🥺👍

1 9

I think the midjourney server is something wrong. So I will go with TensorArt.

1 51

🥹Just realized i spelled Superbia's name wrong... apologize 🥹

6 17

I've gotten the most filth shit people say at my shit for as long as Im drawing but you know what it don't hurt for me to take a stand.
Just a little bit. Been silent for way too long.

Anyway, back to drawing

2 232


kalo dipikir-pikir enak juga ya jadi pacarnya suguru. kalo lagi mau ke mana-mana tapi males commute tinggal telfon aja :
💓 : ayang, jemput / anterin aku dong. pake pelikan, ya? panas banget soalnya.

107 889

🦑 mau minta foto polosan yang bawah dong.. ada tidak teman-teman?

16 329

Art! Ada yang mau mutualan? Akunku baru netas dan masih kosong. Aku suka gambar karakter dengan budaya Indonesia, dan occasionally gambar anime juga 😄

Btw ada yang tau ini tarian apa?

51 850

babu! Telah berpulang Bapak Neuvillette tadi siang jam 14.35 di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surbaya akibat Heatstroke. Beliau tadi pingsan kejang2 ketika turun di Bandara Juanda Surabaya di bawa ke RS sudah tidak tertolong. Mohon doanya saja 🙏 https://t.co/sE5AcWLbzX

305 1905

It may be more convenient to read it here since the pages are kinda long. Newgrounds has good image viewer where you can zoom easily. https://t.co/cS1viCYzrg

5 122

A VERY BELATED day 19 of was challenging bc I couldn't rly finagle "psychological" as a prompt, so uhhh here's houses!sylvie taking psych dmg after seeing a universe where miklan is alive and part of dimitri's army 🤪💦 (well...technically not for long...but ANYWAYSS)

102 486

babu! cw // crossover hsr , cogil

Ya ampun baca menfess sebelah jadi bayangin, Beidou kan senjatanya claymore berat ya berarti dia bisa gendong aku dengan gampang dong...arrghhjhshdbdudhwbbaftwtw

190 1519

KANGEN KM......... seperti tidak BERNAFAS.... i Am Dying..... tolong..... sesek nafas.... mual..... muntah.... i cant live like this anymore.... SESAK......... ga bisa napas....... tolongin...... AKU KANGEN MUZAN kny!

1 19

HA....How can a Japanese man be so big, masculine, and strong...
The inferior gene inside me is wriggling

8 98