today we are thinking about OotS as a formative experience

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When I saw was for I had to draw something for my and 's PO3/OOTS re-write AU where he's ThunderClan's deputy. He's giving some life advice to Pheasantpaw, powerless littermate to our 'Three' stand-ins.

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New OOTS! A Higher Calling Calling:

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First up, Tigerheart/Tigerstar!! Ok this character i've actually done a complete 180 on in OOTS I could NOT stand him, but after AVoS and quite a bit of Broken Code, he's actually one of my favorite leaders!! Just a pretty interesting character tbh

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Request of from
Chibis are fun, but maaan, I don't do them justice
You can check out the requests rules at my pinned tweet

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New OOTS! The Freckles in Their Eye:

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While waiting for a client's feedback on a sketch, I doodled th OOTS 3 with my pc Hikari, kitsune cleric :P

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I got some real big trans vibes from this panel from the newest OOTS strip so thought I'd share

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remember when in oots jay.lion and dove were trying to guess who the fourth cat was? yeah. these guys

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Still busy, but here's some more art I never got around to posting on here. More Belvaar. I want to get around to making more art of these two. The companion pic was done quite a while after the first, so the style isn't quite the same. I like the first one better I think.

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dovepaw and ivypaw vs dovewing and ivypool (after OotS)

dovewing paranoid and nervous bc the absence of her powers
ivypool is hardened and Tough after years worth of violent undercover work

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