Sneak peek at the upcoming articles from Trending Pop Culture;
Pictured; Outlawed
New Release 3-18-20
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La jeunesse est en fuite sur les couvertures d'Outlawed |

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Outlawed covers are out and they looks great! This story is going to bring a shake up to the young heroes in the Marvel world. This is going to be a must read.

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Hypmic is short of Hypnosis Microphone, a multimedia virtual rapper project. In short, women rule Japan and have outlawed weapons so now men fight using words through rap battles. Takaya Kuroda plays Rei Amayado in it :D

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Marvel's Outlawed Event Brings Back The New Warriors

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hey guys, news is out!
I will work on the launch of the new series “Champions outlawed”!
Here you can find my variant cover (ink and colors by me) and preview pages!
written by
With regular covers by the great

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Les jeunes héros de sont en cavale dans la nouvelle série après |

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I'm not directly involved, but am thrilled to see so many teen heroes return as part of OUTLAWED!




Congrats to all the creative teams - Can't wait to read 'em!

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if we get a young avengers: outlawed book they better put johnny and ramone watts in the team. They are amazing characters that deserve to be back. BRING FUSE AND ALLOY BACK!!

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Marvel's CHAMPIONS find themselves OUTLAWED in new ongoing series by and

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POWER PACK Returns in Post-OUTLAWED Series

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Le regard des aînés sur la jeunesse et son engagement est au coeur du débat sociopolitique actuel, et ça se traduit dans les avec Outlawed (Civil War Kids ? ) ou Golden Child.

Plus d'infos dans le de la semaine 👇

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'OK Boomer': MARVEL Launches OUTLAWED Event

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[#illustration sam scribble as my cool-down sketch in celebration of the outlawed preview today... i am so PROUD OF HIM

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Teenage vigilantes OUTLAWED? 's next project slated for 2020

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I love teenagers fighting the system type of stories so I am all about Marvel Outlawed starring the Champions. Other stories in this genre that I like include Deadly Class, 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank, and Maximum Ride.

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Teen heroes are now illegal in the Universe, The Champions just became Outlawed! is writing it, I can't wait to read this comic!

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