Our pals are here to wish you all a very happy holiday seas- ...Hey wait a minute. Something's wrong here...

13 142

They're just so fun to draw. I hope somehow I could get a job working on your show as like a boarder or character designer

8 55

Get reeeeeaaady for Ollie & Scoops Episode 4 tomorrow morning! The only bummer is how short it is. BUT it features the show's first original full-length song! It'll even be available on iTunes later this week. And Ep5 (12min!) follows soon after around Xmas time!

9 100

"I give it, 8 cannolis out of 10..."

6 56

I'm so excited to be part of the team!! 😭👏💖

5 76

Animation already coming in for Ollie & Scoops Episode 4!! It's a short musical, meant to be tucked in neatly and tide everyone until Ep5 which is another 10min story probably not out til December. Thanks everyone for sticking with us through waits in between eps!

21 146