Pero me dijeron loca cuando pinté a Félix siendo lindo con mi OC porque "su personalidad no daba para eso..."

Pff... 💕#MLBS5Spoilers

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NB, She/They/It
A old PDSS I made that honestly? I love them but got too socially anxious to do anything other than draw them, pff.

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*stifles a giggle*


Okay, okay… wait, the sweater you JUST got for Hellmas!?

Oh wait till Krampus finds out you’re a prince of Hell on the nice list!~~

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I'm letting myself customize me more but ye. 4 years, from depressed to depressed and gay. Tried to make it look like I got paler (i did) but i think i failed that, pff.

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i am SO indecisive help

so um!! color palettes are hard pff which one do yall like more for my boy Jinx-??? 👀👀


poll in comments vvv

5 150

😏¿Sword Art Online fue tu primer Isekai? Pff

😎Mi primer Isekai fue Las Guerreras Mágicas ⚔️

¿A ver que otro te sabes?

2 20

Pff xDD nO it basically is this lmao (I think?)

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huehehe HELLO I like rendering my art
I tried doing a poster kinda thing becaus i thought it might look cool
uuuhm this look too long PFF I hope you like it grahh !! I love edgy aus

13 32

adfnal got a Ricky ask on the tumblr uwu here is this awful tsundere boy for you pff-

29 468

PFF I like him too (that's a guy- but yes he's amazing- he was also really adorable as a kid (had to screenshot this since It wouldn't let me download it xd)

0 1

Pff,Im under 500 actually, but yeah

2 5

Started doodling jmart and couldnt stop. god u can see my 10 different styles in one drawing pFF

119 785

there's other things which i think are Technically Speaking "better" but these are like... legit turning points in my artistic development pff
others include: "oh, traditional lineart is more fun"; "i think i understand lighting?" and "oh shit i fucking love clothing references"

1 27

Pff. Maidenless? Hot and cold running maidens....

Sorry Blaidd :( you made me do it

0 10

pff quackity con una empanada iii

22 84

Je ne vois pas de quoi tu parles. Pff, quoi ? du sucre ? serieusement ^^ haha on me l avait pas sortie celle la depuis loooongtemps :) demande a mes potes si il y a du sucre dans la monster tu vas voir les reponses que tu vas te prendre XD

0 1

Still not sure if these were actually crushes or just gender(?) envy (I'm also aro/ace) but it definitely looks like I have a type and it's pathetic creature boy (which is def smthn I'd love to be) XD
The most embarrassing out of these is clearly Toad, just, objectively, pff

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I didn't actually add my art XD I know how to do things pff

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