I couldn't help but think of Chocolate while coloring them- Here you go, I bring you the twins! Zee and Zuzy 🦓

32 158

omg im alive guyssyus!!!!?!?’!;&(!

no im coming back to my grave

10 38

Mari in a random outfit i designed a couple of days ago because yes
Reminder to appreciate their existence

12 36

I'm a just draw penny and go to sleep since i'm sleepy

2 15

Z i z z y
We stan her in this household 🛐
Anyways i might draw another human piggy character later idk

11 59

Anyways I'm drawing Tigry next and Willow last lol hahaha

16 81

| SGT. Monroe |

SGT. Monroe is one of my favorite characters even if they had a very short role in the main game, can't wait to see them in intercity !

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16 65

Heyy i did pony
He's very hot
Now for the giraffe man 🕺

12 61


16 83

Dog dude
Drawing them in the uniform was painful hjsisjeiss
Also hands can go get arsoned im drawing paws from now on

17 65

Repost because I forgot my watermark 😍
My design for Penny + headcanons

13 78

| Raze Rat |

All of a sudden I started to love Raze's design , so I decided to draw him after not drawing him for months-
I'm really proud of this ! :D

[ ]

34 156

K O N A 🦾🥢
I had fun drawing this beautiful character. 🙋‍♀️

4 19