And Mutt and Night's meme/challenge continues!

Day 7- Favorite Fire Type- Arcanine!

Fire might be my fav type, so it was hard to pick, but this doggo wins this year again! 🔥💜

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Pokeddexy Day 7: Favorite Fire Type (Alolan Marowak)

(Close tie with Arcanine!)

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Moving right along on Mutt and Night's meme/challenge!

Day 5- Favorite Fairy Type!- Galarian Rapidash!

Surprise? Yes?? No??

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Next up on Mutt and Night's meme/challenge!

Day 4- Favorite Electric Type- Bolthund!

I know, this one is a shocker isnt it? :y

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Onward to the next of Mutt and Night's meme/challenge!

Day 3- Favorite Dragon Type- Flygon!

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day 2 - favorite Fighting type.
I cannot deny Chesnaught! Game Freak gave us a Paladin Pokemon and I fell in love (bonus points for being a Grass starter!)

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Day 1 of Mutt and Night's meme!

Day 1- Favorite Bug Type- Frosmoth

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pokeddexy days 29-31

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pokeddexy days 25-28

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pokeddexy days 21-24

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pokeddexy days 17-20

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pokeddexy days 13-16

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pokeddexy days 9-12

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pokeddexy days 5-8

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(2013) ok does anyone remember when everyone did pokeddexy where you had to draw 1 thing for every day of december? i put more effort into that than my uni work 😳
anyway pokeddexy days 1-4

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concept is so cool! I personally love unconventional fairy types that feel like they could be some old folklore and this guy definitely gives me all sorts of folklore vibes.

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for the challenge! I think a slightly more animalistic look would have made me like this Pokémon more.

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The family is such a fun bunch! I love unusual dragon designs and these guys are so refreshing, perfect proof that a dragon can be a lot of things.

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