💘BREAKING DAWN P.1 💘Poster for ✨ This was so fun to work on! As it is probably one of my favourite films of the saga (aside from Twilight) maybe because I saw it in theatres at age 13 🤷‍♀️ Anyways, see u there 😎🔥

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My complete John Wick series, using a different array of styles and tools from 3D to drawing and painting.

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Beyond the Grid 💫

✦ poster collection

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Poster for

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indiana jones trilogy poster for my graphic design class 🐍🔥

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Japanese, British, French, & Spanish posters for director John Carpenter's THE FOG/LA NEIBLA/ザ・フォッグ
Starring: Adrienne Barbeau, Jamie Lee Curtis, John Houseman, Janet Leigh, & Hal Holbrook
Released: February 1, 1980

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