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When I met ‘Monday Morning’ she was in a hospital.
Lost inside her own head, she was angry.
Scared of the world. In pain. Hurting herself to manage her despair.
Now, with 2 children she’s thoroughly enjoying parenting she has been discharged from all services. HOPE WINS

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Parenting a kid was never gonna be easy. But they try.

48 348

"Gray's eldest sister's name was, Pinky. She was a very pretty bird and had the brightest plumage of all."

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6 7

When I met ‘Monday Morning’ she was in a hospital.
Lost inside her own head, she was angry.
Scared of the world. In pain. Hurting herself to manage her despair.
Now, with 2 children she’s thoroughly enjoying parenting she has been discharged from all services. HOPE WINS

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Co parenting luca they are talking about vacations for his child

4 46

Simba got the best parents in Disney history that's CRAZY and I can't even pull the Disney parent death card because Mufasa's spirit even shows up to talk to Kion. DUDE IS DEAD AND STILL THERE FOR HIS GRANDKIDS BRO TALK ABOUT PEAK PARENTING

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