Take the time you need to rest, connect with a friend, create something for fun, get some fresh air... In essence, recharge your batteries. Enjoy the weekend!

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OMG I found this old Pokemon art challenge I did in 2015 where you'd draw your entire life with a Pokemon. I chose Phanpy/Donphan, and I forgot how sad I made the comic by the end, like holy crap 😢

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What's your favourite Pokémon? for me i cant just choose one, But Phanpy is a good pick!

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I used to run askphanpy and sableyedaily! Seeing familiar faces is so nice

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Fun Fact:
Teddiursa and Phanpy are the only Pokemon whose Version Exclusives were changed
Teddiursa is exclusive to Japanese Silver, International Gold, and Soul Silver
Phanpy is exlusive to Japanese Gold, iternational Silver, and Heart Gold
The reason for the change is unknown

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Home stretch to the end of Gen II of the villagers! Today we have a smug Houndour, a normal/sweet Phanpy & a lazy Stantler :)

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A pocos días de la salida de la nueva beta de , he querido hacer una adaptación de un modelo de Phanpy oficial a la forma Occidentis que aparece en este fangame. Este pequeño pokémon evoluciona a un temible Donphan Occidentis como los que utiliza el general Aníbal.

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Mar 03, 2015. By: inazumaeleven2
[8 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Yeah, Regenbogen Phanpy."

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[Pokemon, 7 hours] From my PMD Explorers of Sky gameplay.
Totodile realizes too late that Phanpy has done his mission in the present and is about to disappear, but he can't bear it.

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Qrt with your oc and their Pokémon companion! <33

Dust would have a Phanpy as his companion 💛🧡 https://t.co/aZlxfsK4Uh

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Golden Retriver Phanpy anyone?

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I keep calling Yanfei Fanfei and I didn’t know why my brain did that.... just realized it’s bc I’m so used to saying Phanpy bc of Pokémon 😅

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タイトル: の水浴び🚿
図鑑 No.231

クリエイターズスタンプで  と検索おねがいします🙇‍♀️


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231 - Phanpy
Type: Ground

Abilities: Pickup, Sand-veil

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