Not all are new and shiny. Some often are very old and lumpy! I think that just means they're full of love. This pillowing belongs to eqen on deviantart!

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Big ol bundle of pillowings I got to draw in today's stream! All these babes actually belong to me for the time being. 😁💕

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MONDAY BLUES? SHOO SHOO SHOO, I just want to dooOOOODLE! Please feel free to come hang out while I stream digital artwork of ponies and pillowings! We know it's always more fun if you're hanging out with us. >:3

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Oh man that was a great stream! I got so many adorable drawn as patron rewards for the clover coin patreon! I love love love being requested to draw as villagers ;w;

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Hey all, I’m streaming! Just doing some casual personal character art since I haven’t been feeling very well today. Ponies, pillowings, sorta thing. Maybe some more villager artwork tho too!

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Here's a Pillowing-Pile prompt entry I submitted yesterday! Tom's all concerned over the newest patient to the hospital 8w8 and wants to help out! I'm enjoying my and Beef's lil Pospillow AU <3

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Trying to encourage myself to doodle, specially with so many cute pillowings at hand.

This one I'm making into a super nice foam pillowing, lovey-dovey python puppy theme! 🐍💖🐶

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Sleepy star has 3 of her own! Delilah in the background seems to be in charge of getting Sleepy up for the day time but the other pillows sure are not HELPING!!!

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Couple of adorable I got to draw during my quick stream!

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Harvest Tale doesn't mind camping out nearly as much anymore now that she got her two to help keep her company and make her tent extra cozy.

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Sleepy star and her fam of Can you tell she has a sweet tooth?

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Cotton Crush snuggling up with his two Juliet and Blossom. 💕

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Smitten Sweets has noticed her lil brother getting along with her slew of pillowings and thought she could get one of his very own!

Cotton isn't quite sure what to make of the new gesture. Just have to wait and see.

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These two pillowings are still looking for their own pad to chill at~

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Some super cute pillowings are ready to make their next big splash in your home! Check out which ones got left over? Do you have any ideas in mind for them?

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I really want to draw more of my pillowings with their owners, this is Tizzy the Raspberry Pillowing with their master, Reese the Dainty!

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Drew another lovely pillowing from the Last Beach Party Flat Sale! I'm having a good time getting to know these pillowings before sending them off to their new homes.

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I just had to draw this adorable otter from the current Last Beach Party Pillowing Flat Sale! Check out what are available for your comfort! C;

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Drawing one of my old pony OC's smitten sweets. And she's the perfect pony to have a slew of pillowings at home! I think Madison would be a perfect companion for Smitty!

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Trying to learn how to make on had a couple trial and error pieces. At least now I know what's too big and too small for canvas sizes! 😂

Both these babs are with the first being my Mint and the second being Cherish!

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