Here are some doodles for his birthday! He was my favorite part of ❤️

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I used today's prompt Lavender from and decided to combine it with Prompto's birthday today. I had fun breaking out the tablet again.

Happy day 25, and - get those Chocobo snugs.

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Okay just for fun. Which color suits him better? :D
(I've already finished this drawing, will post it on tuesday)

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Happy Birthday little sunshine bird 🥰
drawing for you at such nice day 🌚

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An older prom painting till I can make something for his bday!!

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I'm right in the middle of another artblock yay!
Everything I draw looks so ugly to me and I end up not posting anything lol

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I really want to draw the bois more I love them soooo much🦋

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Today I offer you Prompto chocobo cuddles. Tomorrow? Who knows.

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ATM I'm playing ff 15 and...damn, I fell for dat gunboi 🙈
Just had to sketch..a lot 😅

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FFXV fanart version
. more like Ignis, Noct, Prompto Face... 😅
where is Gladio? Sorry. Until now, I just draw him 4 times... so... I can't put him 😓

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Yay, I can share! and commissioned me to create art for their FFXV fanfic, "Borders of Divinity" (see link below) and the chapter it accompanies has been posted! Prompto, in uniform!

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