Introducing 🍟 🍔 TOP BUN 🍔 🍟!
The Game Jam project I helped make that didn't get chosen!

Blast your friend into burgers and be the last bun standing!

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Was so much fun, I love every single person who even talked to me once, thank you all for making it amazing!! Here's some good memories/pictures

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sorry for the inactivity been working on my internship and preparing for rdc!!!! exciting stuff comin soon

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Do you even RDC t-shirt and goods on sale at

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Être surveillante en lycée, c'est parfois ouvrir la porte du bureau et voit un élève faire des pompes au milieu du couloir du RDC

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The plan was to have this ready before RDC5, but I couldn’t manage to even start it before the con (good job, Clo, great timing!). That was for the better, probaby... XD

Anyway, this is ‘Justice’ - I hope you like it! c:

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how i feel whenever i wear my RDC helmet irl

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I couldn't be in RDC5, so I had no chance to wear a flower crown. So instead, I just push Hannibal and Will together into the flower crown.

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BEGINS! Can’t wait to hear about all the shenanigans and hope everyone has a great time. Here’s the piece for the fanbook

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DJ Harvey、Matthew Herbert、Ben UFO、DJ Nobu B2B Wata Igarashi、Move Dなど16組の『Rainbow Disco Club 2019』出演者が発表に

RDCでお馴染みのRush Hour Allstarsは、Antal、Hunee、San Properに加えて、Masaloが出演。Palms Trax、初来日のJayda Gなどもラインナップ。

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Thank you everyone for preordering! I shipped them out today!! Last call for merch for RDC5. I will only bring what people ordered to deliver. DM if you are interested. I'm not going to sell them at the event. I still have a lot of pillows and some hanging charms left!

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I took a big hit before RDC5. I had to rush my car to the ER this week he’s doing better now but he’s on four different meds and needs to be monitored closely. I’ll be packaging out orders and sending them out Monday latest!

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Okay so I've had pretty chronic art fear recently and been really behind on things, so last night decided to face my fear and finally draw something for the Hugh artbook that's being put together. This piece is called 'Dolorosa'.

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I sent this in for the fanbooks of and . The upper two and the one on the bottom right will be the ones I'll print to give away at

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Since I'm going to RDC5 this year! I can bring merch with me! If you guys want to skip out the shipping DM me and I can bring your order to the event. I'm going to be making some freebies to give out and maybe a sticker sheet to sell to. :> This would really help fund my trip.

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