In Jill has as alternative outfit her costume from original RE3.
Since in this cross over game she's brainwashed by Albert like RE5,she still has P30 device


20 78

Jill,Claire and Ada appear in spin off/cross over Capcom game Onimusha Soul in their classic outfits from and but with some Japanese features style.
So lovely!*-*

59 223

New official Jill's arts from
The style's so amazing!
Mostly Jill's cards from A Dark Agenda update are from cutscenes but with her original outfit(more like one)

I deeply love her♡

81 359

Yeah,she's an amazing voice actress.
She returned as Jill's voice on 2019 with Teppen a Capcom cross over game.
I adore Nicole Tompkins' work for RE3R but I thought Patricia Ja Lee returned to dub Jill

0 4

С 14 февраля!
Окружите сегодня заботой своих любимых💜

9 51

Jill's own Samurai Edge appears several times in saga:
The 1st one is in original in and
You can buy it in and as DLC.
In you find it in her flat but you can get it from game shop

24 119

Jill's voice actress in original RE3,Catherine Disher dubbed her also for cross over game Marvel VS Capcom 2 which was released one year after RE3 (2000)

7 60

Last March, I decided to fiddle around with no lineart and a of a classic poster using from
"We can do it!"

0 2

I really hate when people do that🤦‍♀️. I have some opinions about re3r but thats not gonna stop me from playing it. Just like your opinion didn't stop you from giving re4 a try. You didn't like it as much. And thats ok, sorry you had to deal with jerks😞.

0 1

Jill Valentine by me💕
انتهيت من رسمة جيل الحمدلله 🥰

13h of work

54 438

Can we just talk about Jill is making several Cross Over games as iconic videogame character while she is still absent from RE timeline since 2009?
Why Capcom keeps to ignore her if they know she's so iconic?

10 62

Jill has after cryogenic sleep powerful antibodies against T,T-Abyss,Uroboros and,probably,a resistance for Progenitor virus too.
Despite of that,Capcom still doesn't continue her story since 2009...

4 42

It's amazing how they made Jill's version in personality,her lines,her special abilities and her voice!(Patricia Ja Lee from and
She's such so perfect!
But enough of Cross Over,Jill needs a new RE chapter!

19 169