Bon ben... Au cas où on remet le lien hein 😢…

Au bout de ma vie, twitter m'a permis de m'en sortir, comme beaucoup d'artistes, j'aime VRAIMENT twitter et je ne peux que le voir s'effondrer...

6 23

Musk bought Twitter.
Now it's broke.
There it goes
Up in smoke.

2 9

So Twitter's dying? (maybe?) I guess that kinda sucks.
I don't know where I should backup my colorings so if you have any ideas, feel free to suggest down below!
Wish I had the time to make a "last coloring" as a commemoration of sorts, but here's an old fave of mine

3 24

if i want to dedicate this last tweet to my beautiful Setsuna, this rare beauty, warrior formidable heart of gold my sweet girl 💜💜💜💜💜 I love you 💜💜💜💜💜 My Megami-sama 🛐🛐

3 19

Waking up to yelling outside and twitter imploding...errrrr going back to sleep! See you soon!

21 247

Wow ok it has been a short 30 follower journey here take my socials bye- *aborts Twitter*

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สัญญาณบอกว่าวันแร็กนาร็อกของทวิตเตอร์ใกล้เข้ามาแล้วว่ะ เกียมอพยพกันได้ละ

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No Mamen gente, como que se muere? No me puedo ir una semana sin que destruyan algo?? No quiero volver a empezar de cero :"( si esto se acaba les deseo a todos que encuentren esa red social especial que les llene el alma

3 6

Just in case of

Here you can find all my links XD Letz follow eachother everywhere 🖤 🧑‍🔬🧪👉

2 5

Just in case something happens, having already a backup despite I don't believe instant death. Considering Tumblr and Mastodon, one thing I'm sure is you can still find me at Discord.

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Well, I don't know if anyone sees this or if something really happens but I leave this "just in case"


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