WOOPs forgot but now for realsies all Characters in chibi cell phone straps while watching

29 58

Pretty much how I imagine the apocalypse would be with , , ,

1 14

Getting a glimpse into the future on this week's with , , and .

19 254

& starring in their own horror movie from this w/ script by

53 498

, , and strugglin a bit with their beers on this weeks

24 313

I'm not saying should take this idea from childhood but sharing can be dangerous.

19 322

Welcome to the click bait (But seriously though, that is some solid advice.)

35 355

More "Blaine-ing it." The longest two minutes of his life...

7 25

Floatin' down the river on Jack, per request of .

11 31

Finished / of Nora doodle during in Norse type necklace based off of Brísingamen

8 24

Tears have been shed. We will miss you.

67 65