come on min, It's not like i hate your hair, but being in a band like chicken choice judy means you need a new rocker hairstyle buddy!

18 57

HC: Ryan likes 2 surprise Min w/ kisses, and Min likes 2 surprise him back w/ assertiveness~

Literally couldn't start HW til I got this sketch out of my system

37 224

I really loved book 4!! It was so good! And it gave such a good set-up for book 5 with Amelia and One 👀

11 21

The 29 of May at 9:00 AM (Mexico City) the fandom is going to trend # OEquinox for more seasons! Those who don’t know the series go check it out for free in Crunchyroll! I’ll be participating as I did with the 1 picture x 5 min!

12 24

Contributing more now 😤💕 Infinity Train better come back! I need more Grace

87 329

More art! There they are officer, there are the three fools who stole my heart!

39 116

After drawing Tulip in the kingdom hearts stained glass, it only felt right to draw Lake. Inadvertently, made Lake Riku Oop👀.

5 8

a little self indulgent Rymin snooze doodle because I’m tired

26 95

Duet and Ocean Waves are 2 pieces of art designed to fit into the nooks and crannies of my brain the way human bodies are designed to lock together so perfectly for an embrace ♡

34 116

I drew Tulip from in the the style of kingdom hearts stained glass art. Love this show so much, I hope it gets renewed.

4 17