"The Jade Rabbit is a sign of selflessness, piety, and sacrifice. Maybe that’s why the Jade Rabbit is on the moon—so that no matter where we are on Earth, we always have the ethics of righteousness and self-sacrifice to look up to...." 🥺🐰🌝

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my girl ann... I try to write it the way I understand it 👀

red rose: love, romance, desire. the classic flower for "I love you"

strawberry + strawberry flowers: symbol of love and sensuality. the pleasure of love. righteousness 🍓🍓

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Hello revolutionary this is the renegade here giving you a major update as a strong anime reviewer today in America the new demon slayer is out and lucky for me I got from VIP tickets hoping to go see The movie today or tomorrow can’t wait to see your righteousness

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Bang, the righteous leader of ninjas
"He and his clan of ninjas have served under a lord lost to civil war.
Righteousness & empathy are held in high esteem by this chivalrous man among men.
This man would do anything to help someone in need on but mere impulse"

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You share a name with Princess Sapphire Rhonodite! She us very rutheless but also feminine and loves cute thing.

Besides that I'd say a Holy Dragon for generic cause wings and blue. They value justice and righteousness.

Or a blue mage! They are relaxed and optimistic witches.

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Happy Vaisakhi to all those celebrating today.

Today marks the formation of the Panth

A time to reflect on the Panj Pyare that reside within us all:
Compassion (Daya),
Righteousness (Dharam),
Courage (Himmat),
Commitment (Mokham) and
Leadership (Sahib)

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Don’t support cancel culture, peeps. Too often it’s just online shaming, bullying or targeted harassment shrouded in self-righteousness, causing more harm than good. If you’re not perfect (no one is), you shouldn’t throw stones. Social media is not a courtroom. You‘re not a jury.

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"Nosey people who want to interfere.

Spouting out their "morals" and righteousness.

Like I give a damn." https://t.co/6PP3fJu4Yd

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After this, we get the famous candle-light oath to fight against crime and corruption, and never swerve from the path of righteousness. This mirrors Bruce's own oath that we were shown in Detective Comics

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Heyo! Thank you for the art share! I’m a huge fan of CR and using it as an opportunity for lots of experimentation. can’t help but play a paladin at every opportunity. Love that righteousness >:)

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new cast member in the eden cinematic universe just dropped / aka. The Reason Why Lucia was kicked out of the Catholic Church

Reverend Gabriel Abadie: Local bastard man and Hypocrite, likes wine, righteousness and doling out punishment

Themesong: Missionary Man by Ghost

4 22

When repentant sinners acknowledge their sin (Psalm 32:5), affirm Jesus as Lord (Romans 10:9), and trust solely in His completed work on their behalf (Acts 4:12; 16:31), God credits His righteousness to their account. https://t.co/C0j6uxLaHm

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Thank you Polly for giving us the utmost joy in voicing a adorably naive and caring Pachyderm with a knack for creating Apple Pies, Sharing your love to the most wicked creatures in Ooo and putting Sweet P in the path of righteousness.

You will surely be missed, Tree Trunks.

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As you can see Taek uses Kim Gu's "Justice Realization Crush" (LINE Translation: Justice Righteousness Implementation Realization Crush)

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Some Vermintide fanart sketch.

I rarely ship, but when I do, its never as intensely or strongly as I do for Saltzpyre & Sienna.

Sigmar, preserve his righteousness.

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"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16-17


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🤗HUGS!✨💛✨🤗*DEAR *FRIEND*IN LOVE*& LIGHT GREETINGS!~*I WISH YOU A*FUN*SAFE*& WHIMSICAL DAY!🤗🕺💃🏽✨😊💛😊✨🕺💃🏽🤗*Do Not Be Anxious!~*But seek first the kingdom of God!~*& his righteousness!~🤗👉*& all these things will be added to you!🤗💎💛💎🤗Matthew6🕉🕊✌♥💃🏽🕺🤗💛💎🕊🕉 https://t.co/BaPKFGRmMG

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My guy Seraphiel. He’s a strong, but mostly silent Angel who beats demons with brute strength and heavenly righteousness.

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