Pushed too far by SJWs, FEMINISTS, and other people just trying to LIVE THEIR LIVES, one man decided he’d HAD ENOUGH.

Now he is...

0 14

Really, cuz AFAIK, one: I can handle the truth, unlike you; and two: I didn't know who Doomcock was because I have a life, and three: what happened with S12 isn't as simple as "muh SJWs". Nothing is that simple.

But since you prefer your bubble, I'll just leave you with this.

0 0

My take on Orcs..they are brutal, bloodthirsty & vicious, while capable of a society, they rule by strength, follow dark gods & never settle for peace, they conquer or die trying..& sjws should stop being so damn oversensitive about that..ffs

6 37

Sjws/virtuesignallers that dont like living legend amazing artwork and call it sexist can kiss my ass. DONT LIKE IT? Dont buy it. BUT dont lecture those who LOVE it like me. you sound like the fucking PMRC of comics...and I WILL BE FRANK ZAPPA taking u on.

1 8

*youtube channel i like posts a video titled "Why movies have to be politically incorrect"*
Me: oh no, what are you doing?!
*Video's actually 15 minutes of the youtuber explaining why people crying "PC and SJWs ruin muh movies!" are actually full of shit and have no merit*

1 6

"If this P5R censorship thing is the hill i die on, then this will be my final message:

Never fold to the sjws. Never allow people to force you to conform to their standards or way of life. Live YOUR life! Fight for the truth! Don't let those fuckers take your art away!"

21 81

(cw: really gross racist shit in 2nd picture)

Meanwhile there's still 0 evidence of this supposed harassment done by spooky mysterious SJWs and everything points to alt-righters/tradcaths being really gross in her replies.

People fall for the SJW scapegoat so fucking easily... https://t.co/VisZ1RvgGO

16 36

SJWs harassed the Chinese artist who drew this to delete it and forced an apology out of her. You know what to do.

401 1295

weebs and sjws, i think i can solve your greatest debate. hear me out here:
bigender astolfo

3 4

Come get some CROTCHROCKET in your face! hmmm. That may have come out wrong. Anyways, Don't miss SEA DOG AND CODENAME: KILLSWITCH!! Don't let the SJWs win There's nothing wrong with female superheroes looking superhot big BOOBS and all!!! https://t.co/NtLUWZslwC

4 7

seriously, this whole thing just BLARES the words out loud with a megaphone attached to a heavy metal concert's microphone

S E L F - L O A T H I N G!

it's official! SJWs are uncle ruckus!

Time to play the world's saddest violin!

0 0

I can imagine the internal screaming of sjws everywhere over these pics..its sweet music indeed😈

8 33

guys who get mad about SJWs be like

0 8

"Stupid SJWs trying to destroy mah horniness >:C" set.

62 384

SJWs will never admit that there is female amputee representation in video games because she has boobs and is hot.

30 106

Anti-SJWs: Nobody is just gonna KNOW your pronouns, lol
People: Ok. *puts pronouns in bio to fix the problem*
Anti-SJWs: Ha ha what a loser posting their PREFERRED PRONOUNS in their USER BIO where INFORMATION ABOUT THE POSTER goes.

0 1

So, it's OK for male characters to expose their bodies, and have their junk hanging out of their tight clothes... But, it's wrong for the female characters to show skin and be sexy; in the same way that their male counterparts do?😑😑😑

You're outta your mind, SJWs!😠😠

11 24

Goal of the day: Make some SJWs angry and show how sensitive people are today.


10 49

is a great show... And if ANY Sjws want to challenge my opinion... argue whether this has been ignored or not UNDER YOUR WATCH... OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE YOU DUMBASSES!!!

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