Esse episódio de Vinland Saga... :0

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Here's the early '80s covered for the Dumarest Saga...

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For those wondering why is the close to the Infinity Saga... think of it exciting resolution with Endgame being the climax & setting up the new world for the next saga... why do you think was best known for their Ep 9?

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DIOS, al ver esto creí que sería un spin off centrado en la historia de personajes icónicos de la saga...

esta vez sí que habéis jugado con mis sentimientos............ (una pasada la ilustración)

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Gosh darn it, I'm gonna get this damn book out. Wait for me, 2019, I'm heading your way with a sledgehammer... called Frog Saga... probably, could change... already running out of steam.

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Why is my first thought Rubedo from Xenosaga... my childhood husbando @

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Lily Hoshikawa from Zombie Land Saga... it’s funny, I watch it weekly and I love how different all the characters are!

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And while we’re talking

I’m guilty of not crediting letterers, but (aka truly makes his mark on the comic, helping to elevate the book even higher. Masterful work across the board.

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Dear Cliff, these are my characters from my saga...I hope you like it:)

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Rey sin nombre. De lo mejor que nos ha dado la saga...

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More in the gripping saga....

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