Thank you for the lovely stream! We talked all things poison and venom—biological factors, medical applications and more! Thank you pinkbowpatisserie miss_arylia for the raids! We passed the love to !

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Thank you for the stream! We talked about confocal microscopy and Immunofluorescence! Thank you epicofsam locked31 for the raids! Passed the love to !

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Birdtober Day 12: Unique beak
The Red Crossbill is an irruptive finch species that makes its way south into Central New York. Their crossbill is perfect for extracting seeds from unopened cones.

3 13

We talk to nerd royalty Randall Munroe () himself in our new special! About his new book "What If? 2", his research process, space, scicomm & lots more...


6 60

Z is for Zwartbles Sheep, the final in with Again, with
Thanks for this round, !
Have a good week!
⁩#sciart ⁦#ink

13 59

Thank you for the lovely stream today! We finished 2 pieces and did microscopy! Thank you virtualassitant sethily for the raids! We passed the science to ! See you tomorrow!

3 9

Move Mmmmhhhh, there must be sth yummy!? With help of chemo sensing bacteria are able to move, with the help of flagella, towards nutrient sources.

5 20

Könnt ihr das Thema von morgen erraten? „Ein Erlebnis, das nicht von dieser Welt ist!“ 🌍

Can you guess tomorrow’s topic? “An out of this world experience!” 🌍

5 2

World records by migratory birds. Time to cheer for our winter visitors!

Cartoon from my book Green Humour for a Greying Planet, available on Amazon and in bookstores:

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Letzter Tag vor dem Wochenende! Der neue Comic ist bald online! 🚀

Last day before the weekend. New is coming soon! 🚀

5 3

Die Hälfte des Wartens bis zum nächsten ist vorüber! ⏲️

Half of the wait until the next chapter is over! ⏲️

4 1

Thank you for the lovely stream! We did an Antonia, microscopy, and chatted science! Thank you d_tector008 thehappypups/ for the raids! Passed the love to !

5 11

day 19-the ocean (just like everything else on earth) is full of microbes.Within the ocean they find their sweet spot & thrive but some like to move around. The deeper unclear regions hold many unknowns which we are able to study with new technology.

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Ocean an endless sea of microbes

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Und noch ein Tag weniger im Countdown für das neue Kapitel! ⌛

And another day down in the countdown for the next chapter! ⌛

5 1

Metal Not only magicians impress by eating nails! Leptospirillum is an iron oxidizer that one can find in mines. When they get really hungry they might eat a whole nail … in just three days.

6 15

Nicht vergessen: Am Sonntag kommt das neue Kapitel! ✨

Don’t’ forget: There will be a new chapter on Sunday! ✨

3 2

Thank you for the lovely stream! We talked planarian genetics and did a Jeffrey art piece! Thank you drnphd, zennith12 for the raids! We passed the love to !

3 9

day 15- bath salts often enhance the experience of being suspended in water. Bacteria also respond to salts present in the environment. Some swell up, grow fast or dart around. Each has a preference for type and concentration of salt in the medium.

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14. Community

When I think about community, similarly to , I do not only think about microbes.

I am so grateful to all the amazing persons I met via science, from my labmates to all the friends from the scicomm and sciart communities that I met online.

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