i've been suffering sensory overloads at work for the past 3 days and that makes it so hard for me to draw i'm sorry dear followers

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Sensory Input
March 24 on

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Di manga jg dr dlu aduhai kok. Sengaja disensor biar

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Benny has a LOT of different sensory things going on with him
From the fact he fidgets with his sweatshirt strings [ofc] to how he just likes the jingle of his stupid little blank collar tag he bought at petsmart and then anxiously made a break for the door right after getting 💀

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Legion of Superheroes Sensor Girl commission

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'Sensory Overload' — some vent art since this is the only way I can get this off my chest.

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An extra classic series drawing for this Sunday evening, it’s John and Carol from The Sensorites.

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Ini brow, maap jari nya tak sopan jdi sya sensor

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Hair: *starts causing sensory issues*

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Vedeva com’era acuto
il dolore che provavo,
e pesante l’umiliazione
impostami dal mio stesso
senso d’incapacità;
e le parole non riescono
quasi a esprimere quanto
fossero grandi la tenerezza
e l’appoggio che mi dava.

Charlotte Brönte


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Maju mas 🛐

Coba dong sekarang drop kebalikannya 'cewgan'~ jangan lupa judulnya juga yah *disensor* 😀🤝 https://t.co/h9pcGYFBmR

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Caino sognava una vita nuova:/ il senso splendeva sul confine/ Attraversò ustioni e deserti,/ poi scelse il respiro dei boschi/ La via della spoliazione,/ la voce di Dio sulle acque/ L’eredità era il silenzio,/ anticipare i desideri degli altri/ Amare le grammatiche del vento.

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Did you know that not all your sensory inputs hit the brain at the same time? Our brain does some "creative editing" waiting before our consciousness reports an "experience."

Learn more 👉 https://t.co/0i8hdfpz8X

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Show 4 characters you love and tag 4 people to do the same

Eu queria explicar meu gosto duvidoso mas não tenho como. Deixar um Yuuji e um Nanami de fora da lista por causa DESSES BOSTINHAS-

Bem o coração (e o bom senso) não escolhem 🤷‍♀️✨ https://t.co/nGeFipv9f1

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czekam, aż do głowy wpadnie mi jakiś sensowny opis... ale jedyne co mogę opisać to ból, który powoduje świadomość, że niedługo koniec weekendu... drogie wakacje, oczekuję i tęsknię.

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We are excited to announce 'Klangteppich' by

A multisensory experience that invites the viewer to touch, see and listen. 100 jacquard-woven pieces accompanied by live-generated visuals and music

Premiering IRL at Bright Moments Berlin - March 17th

Learn more ↓

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Questo era un poeta - colui che
distilla un senso sorprendente
da significati ordinari -
e un'essenza così immensa
dalle specie familiari
appassite alla porta -
che ci stupiamo di non essere stati noi
ad afferrarla - prima-
E. Dickinson

12 29

Non sai bene se la vita è viaggio,
se è sogno, se è attesa, se è un piano che si svolge giorno
dopo giorno e non te ne accorgi
se non guardando all’indietro. Non sai se ha senso.
In certi momenti il senso non conta.
Contano i legami.

Jorge Luis Borges

🎨 Louis Janmot

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