Secret of Mana - Part 3
First timer
pepsiman dot net
ttv -> boyks

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We doing an art collab Where the subject is this was my entry, The almigthy super hero .

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I really just love this Silly, Clumsy, Bumbling, Yet Mantains his cool Mascot.

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Here's an idea for an Imani skin from which would be related to Yagorath's skin "Leviathan". Idk the idea of having an imani skin that summons a Levjathan like creature as her ult was in my head quite a while anyways-

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pepsiman que curte mp3, não sei como a live chegou nisso

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im posting this too cus i always want to look at it again but having to search for it on dicksord isn;t convientient!!! my meow moew huntsiman

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The character In this pic does not belong to me!!! They belong to pepsimanjr on insta!! They have amazing art!!! Y’all should check them out!!!

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Pepsiman has ordered a restraining order against Felix the Cat

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B-side Konami Games with
pepsiman dot net
ttv -> theboyks
ttv -> nickfil

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Allor, d’angoscia gridar volendo,
e spasimando, e pregne
di sconsolato pianto le pupille,
dal sonno mi disciolsi.
Ella negli occhi pur mi restava,
e nell’incerto raggio del sol
vederla io mi credeva ancora.

Giacomo Leopardi

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Hem sebenernya aku musiman. Jadi rolling. Tapi kalo dikumpulin, yg sering tuh Carrie (merah) krn dulu di RP grup sering ada prompt. Sama Juno (biru) karena prompt grup juga ✨

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Character Idea:
You are a Daa’ima artificer, trained by Asiman alchemists. You were shunned by your peers and teachers when you turned your alchemical studies towards the field of death and resurrection.

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Sparkster SNES vs Genesis with
pepsiman dot net
ttv -> theboyks

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