-what the gods are capable of & which ones to avoid at all costs. (eg, Sobek would be a very dangerous foe to any opposing army). Truthfully, lust aside, Seth has more than one advantage for FG & I believe FG planned something along the lines of invading Egypt using Seth +

2 86

drew a lil goofy with my Ares and 's Ares

(kinda a call back to earlier sketch Sylv did with our Sobek's)

3 14

My Halloween costume came early, i hope you love it as much as i do!
I can't believe how amazing it turned out, I'm really excited to finally reveal it.
(It's an early bday gift from sobek 😤💜💜)

The artist: @/nononoi339

37 148

I caught the plague. I’m quarantining. Can’t hug my baby tho. Trying to stay distract. Here is the Lord of Flowers, Sobek-Ra. May he grant everyone warmth and defend you all.

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Sobek enjoying a swim in the Nile

1 7

A sketch on my personal take with the crocodile god, Sobek
This is how I sort of envision him in my fic "The Mother of Gods." Just a lot buffer and extra BEEF

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Sorry this took while I was sick

2 3

I remade my boy again lol so here he is,
Sobek Bob the Nug!

Hope everyone has a good day!

8 73

i had to be first to do this, i am not at all sorry 😳

4 24

Help rt
WTS DecoPic Nanamin - NEW


tidak pernah di pajang
masih plastikan dan ada bola gacha nya, hanya saja bola gachanya ada sobekan seperti gambar no 3
Masih berfungsi dengan baik, bisa di plester
Kyk gini klo dipajang

DM aja kalo berminat, terima kasih 🙇🏻‍♀️


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temenan? gabut parah. (he/him manly suka ngerokok dan ngamer with a deep voice suka ngomong pake anjing"an juga biar keliatan keren, punya jawline juga looh sama celana jeans sobek")

3 6

Sobek for Horror Museum from

0 1

Moots! Ayok sini merapat 😳☝🏻
I need 20 likes n 15 retweets on this tweet dalam waktu 3 hari demi roti sobek Noah, anaknya kak @.difuuw

Ayok bestie, ramaikan
We all need roti sobek ygy 😳☝🏻//egK

Nyomot gambar Noah sebentar yh kak//pLak

17 39

Here’s day 3: Flood! Here’s the water starter of Kabili, KROKOZU (Water) and it’s evolutions CROCOBLU and SOBEKON (Water/Ghost)! Now that all starters have been revealed, which one will you chose?

2 11

You all now get to experience the time I charged naked at a guy who broke into my house, I wonder who it was...

6 24

Sobekroc is based on Sobek, the god of water and fertility. I made it like a guardian that lost what it was supposed to protect, so now he's just a vengeful spirit

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POV: you just ordered fries and an Outback Burger with no cheese and it came with cheese anyways...

Don't ask why the food is crusty I just didn't even wanna attempt it LMAO

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