tried some editing with homestuck panels
maybe i'll do some other character

8 44

you probably think that you are better now, better now.
you only say cos i'm not around, not around.

53 174

Another thing I started and I don't think I'll ever finish - a 2014 - 2021. My take on Gemini (my actual zodiaс sign btw) / Collux Captor of Homestuck concept! Tried using similar colors, wonder how the thing would've looked like when finished 🤔

6 19

I am certain I’m not the first person to do this but I did not look up anyone else’s work so these are 100% my own interpretations.

2 8

double dose of budget scott pilgrim sollux because i liked the pupils. i forgot his teeth in the last one so here they are

3 9

He should've seen that coming.

ft. cool people I'm too shy to ping-

Just kidding @/SolluxCaptor

22 169

For the !
Merry Yule Eridan, Karkat and Sollux!

61 251

Я не знааааааююю почему. Но всегда. Всегда! Если я вспоминаю о таком очаровательном персонаже как Соллукс, он всегда в моем воображении в юбке. И мне это нравится, черт меня дери!

5 14