its so nice to see him againn
mgmg time so cuteee

0 0

mg mg time!
我感觉吃的好香 给我看饿了😆

0 0

🔗: i had two beers and i was fucking plastered. That’s all it takes me. I’m so lightweight. My tolerance for alcohol is so low; all it took was two beers and i was like i had a necktie around my head, i was red in the face—

95 290

Sonny teaches the true meaning of oshinagaki.

🔗: so i hope that you also will oshinagaki for me. thank you.

40 128

🔗 음악 너무 크다고?

236 321

🔗: i thought i was the sun, why are they all the sun? Don’t we have enough suns here?
🔗: if i was the original sun, then xsoleil is like the planets orbiting me, right? That makes sense, yeah.

171 399

not the aggressive asmr i expected but absolutely worth hearing

maji taskaur but also nascaur 🏎

22 104

alban went in sonny's chat while he's afk and at his :D face

44 184

🔗: he keeps calling the main character ‘meat’ cause i’m a human; we’re nothing but meat. i don’t know something about that is cool. I don’t know i kinda like it.
🔗: some of you like it? Wtf? That’s weird. I was just kidding.

31 82

🔗: you guys think you’re so funny? leave that to me, alright? you don’t need to make jokes. i’m supposed to make the jokes.

43 143

🔗얘들아 제발 이름 다시 바꿔주면 안될까 더는 못 견디겠어
🔗제발 누가 내 방송 좀 봐줘(plz somebody watch my stream)
🔗 그렇다고 이름을 누가(somebody)로 바꾸지는 말고

113 140