I went back and digitally worked on the Gladys opposum doodle.

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Looks like Gentiane from the manga is going to be the anime Shikikan. Not particularly surprising that they'd take some influence from the manga.



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Drew soppo as an example

May take some quick market commissions this weekend. Limited slots. First come first served

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Non sopporto di sprecare qualcosa di così prezioso come il sole d'autunno restando in casa.

[Taccuini, 10 ottobre 1842].
- Nathaniel Hawthorne

Autumn in Murnau - Wassily Kandinsky

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Just realized it's Bloodtober. Time for all good hoonters to join the Hoont again.

(Hunter SOPPO drawn by )

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⭐️This was sopposed to be finished for my b-day, but couldn´t... Ups
Anyway, it´s finally done!🌙

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Lisa Imai
Lisa es enérgica y positiva, es la "sopport" del grupo, cuando hay algún con el grupo es la primera en intentar ayudar. Lisa comparte una relación especial con Yukina el ser amigas de la infancia compartiendo muchos momentos juntas y le ha ayudado en varias ocasiones.

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5) Cynthia
Ecco, Camilla. Lei mi sta proprio sulle palle, non la sopporto. Tuttavia la reputo una dei campioni più forti (se non la più forte) inoltre ha uno stile epico, glielo concedo

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