has a tear in his abdomen but is still going to try and still play Friday in the semifinals.


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has been on one of the hottest streaks of her life. Tomorrow she tries to keep it going against .


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Sydney McLaughlin wins the 400 meter hurdles at the US championships breaking her own world record.


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hit me harder than any other human being in my life. He forearmed me in the chest showing off what he had learned for a match. Somehow it didn’t hurt.


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David Sandlin struck out a dozen Aggies to get Oklahoma into the championship series at the .


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All my Charles sketches in one sketch. Don't know...Should I make some stickers?

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Jayda Coleman stole two home runs in the first inning of the national championship against Texas.


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Grace Lynn’s launches her 23rd homer of the season. Top ranked Oklahoma now lead Texas 10-2 in the 6th.


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hit a 3 run homer and Oklahoma leads Texas 6-2 in the national championship series. Texas has 6 outs left.


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Patty's Posse tied an all-time WCWS record with 16 runs against Texas. The also drilled 6 homers in a blowout victory.


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Four home runs so far for . The lead Texas 10-1 and still batting in the third inning.


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