“I come for the wuggas, but stay for the jiggy juggas”

Day 13: Homestar Runner Bands

Brainkrieg, the pumpkin-throwing, de- word shouting, jugga jigga wugging teens that got last place in the "The Battle of the Crappy High School Bands."

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Back to being able to do art with Day 10 of and The former was a free day, so I drew one of my OCs, The Archer. The latter was as the prompt, and Sid was my choice!

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Day 13: HSR bands! Who doesn't love sloshy; even Stro Bro does! Also I'm weak for brothers getting along

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(Late) Day 12: Strong Sad day! Deserves to be happy ❤

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Day 10: Free Doodle / Break Day

I missed free doodle day because I was taking a hike in the Adirondaks, so I decided to draw Homestar taking a hike in the woods!

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Day 11: holiday toon! Here's my favourite one, and hope all my Canadian pals have had a yummy thanksgiving!

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“I'm the only girl!”

Day 8: Marzipan

It's Free Country USA's favorite hippie broomstick!

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Day 8 of and The former was a prompt for while the latter was a prompt, I went with Cleo and Blanche for that one!

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Turned the last two portrait sketches I did for into Roll20 Icons for me and my wife

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Correction, this is my favorite one so far! Looks like a loading screen almost lol

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Day 7 of my drawings for and The former was as the prompt, the latter was another character day, with Blanche!

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See how the most dangerous thing is to love 🖤🗡

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days 3-6 were portrait study! I only managed to do one, here it is!

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Actually recorded the process of this one so expect that video before the end of the month! This one is by far my favorite!

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Portrait sketch style exploration for 🖊🖤

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Day 6 drawings for and The former was "Forgotten/Obscure Character", so I went with The Hornblower, and the latter was "Favorite Ship", which is this specific rarepair-one sided one between Sid and Cleo.

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"Things are about to get BULBOUS"

Day 5: Favorite Song

This was tough, but I had to do Fisheye Lens. HMs to Decomposing Pumpkins, Santam'n is a Blademan, & Light Purple Cummerbund.

Anyone else out there as big of a fan of several syncopations as I am?

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Day 5: favourite song!!
it took me a bit to think about what to draw, and then i remembered that background music is still music!! so here is me, absolutely LOVING the song from The Luau

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"I’ve got grit, gumption, and an adorable speech impootaboot!"

Day 4: Homestar Day

A drawing of Free Country USA’s most terrific athlete!

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“Man oh man oh man! MAN! Movin into this mascot costume is probably the coolest and least lockin-myself-outta-my-house-inisted decision i ever made!”

Happy day 4! Homestar day! I drew one of my favorite scenes of him to celebrate.

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