'hueyi' es una palabra en náhuatl que literal significa «gran o grande», es un cuantificador de tipo superlativo como 'ixachi' o 'miyac'.

«gran tazón» en náhuatl sería 'Huey Xicalli', de:

xicalli, xicara o «jícara»
hueyi «gran»

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Today is   day!

We finally get our first look at And another look at 🥳

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Its Sunday!

My bet is on the but I would prefer neither team win lol 🤣

Grabbed these dope Avatars 💯

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It's a beautiful day for a football game!

I'm seeing the same pretty blues and greens looking out my window that Pierick painted into the background of this large 2D painting!

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Don’t miss the grandest show — starts off today!

It’s the only excuse to switch off your engines and enjoy some rest from the road in front of your devices.

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It’s Sunday. Are you ready for some football 🏈

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Narf Narf!
1⃣ Twitter shuffle (30A) for "superbowl pizza party" 🐭
Rules: 👉retweet 👉follow
2⃣ EXA auction for "junk-food king" 🐭
3⃣ Discord non-holder shuffle (30A) for "meta-cheese" 🐭
More details below 👇

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Superb Owl Sunday 🙂🙂🦉

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Sunday funnies. I guess there is a game today. Superb Owl doesn’t seem to know who will win. Who do you think wins the Superb Owl game ?

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Commissioned by to create these last year for this upcoming NFL season.

Not sure if any were used but seeing as it’s vs at , thought I’d share them, cause I loved doing them!

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GM! Who all is watching some today? 🏈

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