[Fanart] Taoris on the bed...>////< ♥ //CR:

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[Fanart] Tao omma,Kris appa and Ace son! Lovely family >///< ♥ //CR:@柒-sailing

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TaoRis Fanart || cr. ARA77 http://t.co/9a1pf7Ke

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Crying at this ot13 fanart. Look at the otp there. Baekxing , taorisace, hunhan, kaihun XD

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OT13 fanart <3 Ace looks so adorable lol || cr. miyuki_taoris

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[Fanart]Happy Pepero day with Taoris!!!! >//////< ♥ So cute!! Thanks to my sis draw this to me!! ^0^ //CR:EVEFARY041

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[Fanart] Happy pepero day!!!...♥ >0< //CR:

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[Fanart] Taoris~ so lovely!!! >////< ♥ // (CR:冬二男神姓黄名子韬)

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Taoris fanart

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[FanArt] So beatiful fanart!!! so sweetyyyyyy y~ >~< สวยเกินบรรยาย! (cr.miyuki_taoris)

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[Fanart] Taoris are cute boys!!! >0< ♥ //CR:DoKs一T

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[Fanart] Taoris...^0^ ♥ //CR:@トッポギらぶ

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TaoRis ...........

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how cute this taoris fanart;;;

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Any of u know what anime/manga is this ? They seems like TaoRis

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A flower and doll to panda

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