Shiny Totodile Noise
Which one do you prefer?

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Do you like Totodile?

79 310

The Fan Art of Jimmy and his Cyndaquil, Marina and her Totodile, Vincent and his Chikorita, Ho-Oh in the Sky, Officer Jenny, Professor Elm, Jimmy's Mom, and Giovanni's Son Silvio in New Bark Town from Pokemon

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Chibi totodile commission for !!
I love when i get to draw pokemon OCs

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Im redrawing the starters in new types - Icy totodile [OC]

(Posted by GeekySAgirl:

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I like totodile so yeah. yay!!

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7. okay this might be cheating a little. BUT.
OVERALL starter evolutionary line?? chimchar (totodile honorable mention)
STRICTLY only the little starter creature u get at the beginning of the game?? rowlet

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7.Favorite Starter: I'd say totodile or piplup were always a favorite but i think I lean towards totodile more

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7. This may change once Matt and I play Scarlet and Violet, but It's a 3-way tie between Rowlet, Litten and Totodile. I love all of these babies SO much. (sorry no pic with totodile included ;;)

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7.- forgot i was doing this 😅 but yeah my fav starter is Mudkip!!! I really like totodile as well

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1. Favorite Pokémon

Totodile is easily my favorite! Ash-Greninja is a close 2nd though, followed by regular Greninja.

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Finished commission for Soba-the-totodile on FA!
It was REALLY fun drawing the derg adopt I created more fleshed out :3

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7. Favorite Starter: I love Totodile SO much but since I use it already I'll pick one of my other Favorites, Same Gen different type XD

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7) Favorite Starter: SO HARD! It's usually the grass starters, but occasionally another type like Totodile or Chimchar... But I'll just post my favorite grass starters here because I usually do grass every other gen: Bulbasaur, Treeko, Snivy, & Rowlet (& yes I picked Sprigatito)

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1. Favorite Pokemon: Ok ok So i have 2 tied for first and I wont place one over the other Totodile and Whimsicott are peak pokemons

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7. Favorite Starter

Another tough choice 😖 My typical go-to for Mystery Dungeon is either Charmander or Cyndaquil tbh 🔥 but I do love Totodile, Rowlet, & Scorbunny too~
And while I chose Fuecoco for Violet, Sprigatito is honestly adorable 💚

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