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konbanwa, tabibitotachi! sender mau nyari kawanbabu. sender udah legal, baik hati, wibu akut, green flag, dan suka jokes bapak bapak. minusnya lecet dikit tapi LCD aman.

homophobe and minor dni dulu ya. drop a trace, I'll hyu :D freepass klo kmu cewe+pecinta wanita teyvat. ;)

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aloo im looking for kawanbabu to interact with. especially yang udah 20+ yaa :D disclaimer akun sender unlabeled, isi tweetnya juga gado-gado. I'll go by she/her and kokomi main ☝🏻😋 leave a trace and I'll hyu. problematic DNI.

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hello-bello ❕im looking for a lot kawanbabu :3 untuk akun baru aku >_<, i go by she/her and still a 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿 so heavy nsfw account do not interact... if you're interested please leave your trace and i will hYu 🤍

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Pleasant eve! ౨ৎ Here I'm, a Navia main, looking for some kawanbabu to befriend! I'd gladly accept anyone for as long as you are not a minor and not a homophobe‼️ Kindly leave any trace below, and I will knock on your notification! See you soon, comrades~ ૮ (cont..)

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Halo semuaa, sender mencari kawanbabu nih ga cuma disini tapi juga in-game genshin! I'll start by he/him, legal, Kazuha main. Sender baru mulai main twitter, i accept everyone, akun sender aman buat minor. Gak masalah kalau sender jarang on karena sibuk.

Leave a trace (cont..)

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Hi! Aku mau nambah genshinmoots heheh yang gamasalah sama akun writing heheh, aku legal with anypro and Zhongli main leave any trace and i'll hit you up!! Homophobic dni dulu yaa

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Greetings, everyone. I’m here on a mission for looking kawanbabu especially those who legal by age. Brief informantion about me: I go by He/Him, AR 60 and Wriothesley main. Do leave your best trace such as TMI or any question below, I’ll come to you in a jiffy.

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karyaku! ayooww mutualan sama senderr. Leave a trace yaa, nanti sender follow. Jangan lupa fb yah

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gnite everyone~ sender mencari kawanbabu untuk meramaikan timeline. leave any trace, arlecchino wanter claim your freepass <3 minor -18, homophobic dni :c

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hloouu everyone! i'm looking for more new kawanbabu ⭐ i go by she/her, ayaka main ;3 sender juga nge-hype game hoyoverse yg lain dan animanga! dan ga keberatan kalau sender masih minor, Leave a trace and I'll hit you up! :D

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hi, hello~! aku lagi nyari kawanbabu buat coop bareng + interaksi sm aku 😼 i go by she/her dan udh legal👍👍 suka ngesave meme lucu jg jdi yg mw ayo gas temenan sm aku!! kindly leave a trace yaa, anything will do. see youu~!!✊🏻

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Hello, I'm currently seeking for genshinmoots to talk with! I'm furina main and I go by she/her on my legal age. Minors dni. Please kindly leave a trace and I'll hit you up!

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Good morning comrade! i had a mission to find kawanbabu for fulfill up my timeline. Childe and Cyno main, legal age and also likes to discuss other games. If you're interested, kindly leave a trace and i'll hyu. But sorry, dni for minor and homophobic.

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Halo, sender mencari kawanbabu untuk interaksi satu sama lain dan gak masalah sama typing formal. She/her, Neuvillette main, masih minor(17). Akun sender campur jadi sender menerima semua akun.

Homophobic DNI, leave a trace & I'll hit you up.

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Halo-haloo! Aku sedang dlm misi mencari genshinmoots di karenakan tl aku yg udah mulai sepi. I use she/her as my pronouns, kaveh kinnie, legal age! my acc is safe for minor:3 unlabeled acc, meme jelek enjoyer ++ ak suka foto2 di genshin!

Just leave a trace & i'll hyu😼🫵❗

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Halo-haloo babu! Aku sedang dlm misi mencari teman baru di karenakan tl aku yg udah mulai sepi. I use she/her as my pronouns, kaveh kinnie, legal age! my acc is safe for minor:3 unlabeled acc, meme jelek enjoyer ++ ak suka foto2 di genshin!

Just leave a trace & i'll (cont..)

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New episode of today 👁️🦠

Read here: https://t.co/V1q8whg4Wm

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HELLOOW i'm looking for more new kawanbabu to fill up my tl❕ i go by she/her, ar 58 and still minor (17) aku menerima semua acc, just leave a trace and ill hyu! ⭐

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Greetings. I'm on a mission to find more kawanbabu to mingle with. I'm currently a Navia main, already on my legal age and using he/him as my pronouns. Kindly leave a trace if you're interested but make sure that you're not a minor and homophobic.

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