“This was a painting exploring the look of Kijimi for TRoS. We wanted Rey, Finn and Poe to feel like fugitives, in an occupied territory.” —Jon McCoy, concept artist https://t.co/UHepEXExAf

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Tenía esto en pendientes pa subir desde que salió y se me había olvidao un poco

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TROS if Hux became Supreme Leader and was about to cut off Ben's hair like he canonically wanted to. Inspired by tweet about the novelization. part 1

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star wars TROS 過去絵 Reylo

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Star wars TROS 過去絵 Reylo

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スターウォーズ 過去絵
SW/TROS Reylo レイロ♥

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I need to start repping my other fandoms more, so I'm gonna say Viewtiful Joe and Sexy Silvia.

Viewtiful Joe 1 is a better Star War than TRoS. Kamiya-san gets it.

Come talk to me gamer Reylos, I need more fake geek girl cred.


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Ep5: A New Dawn wouldn't exist if hadn't tagged me in a sweet TROS fix-it tweet by I drew a concept art for the scene, and this is what will appear in the episode. First revealed in my Reylo livestream earlier. https://t.co/O31q2ddPBz

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A phenomenal way to end the 1st run of the "Star Wars Adventures" series!! In "TPB Vol 11: Rise of the Wookiees," all the stories take place b/w TLJ & TROS but it still manages to be a unique and engaging collection! I highly recommend this run as a whole! https://t.co/0EoIwSuXDm

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There are probably more of Rey for the ST than any other characters. There are zero pictures of Rose. Finn has a few pictures for TFA and TROS. Jannah has maybe one pic. The book is Skywalker-centric, so all of the pictures will focus on their stories.

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After Rey's victory, they're reunited at last... 🥺

The AG request by

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“You’re back, Skyguy!”

// Breaking character to share, as promised, my request of Ahsoka and Anakin’s post-TROS reunion! Hope my Star Wars moots enjoy & R/T ’s special piece of one of my favourite platonic relationships! Feel free to tag other fans~🥺

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I rewind the tape but all it does is pause on the very moment all was lost 💙

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"I will find you. This is not our end."

I commissioned the AMAZINGLY talented for this gorgeous piece from my post-TROS fic, Be With Me.
It's just. SO beautiful and I am absolutely obsessed. Please excuse me while I scream about this.

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今年読了したSW小説で一番面白かったのはThrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising。2位はTROS小説で特にJunior Novelが好きだった。3位がDark Legends、4位がESB FACPOVとオムニバスが続く。5位がAlphabet Squadron: Shadow Fallかな。Myths & Fableは去年だった。

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He ain’t a Jedi. What happened in TROS was Ben’s own thing. You don’t see Padme popping up as a force ghost.

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