made this one for me. Tardigrades are the bringers of life?

9 29

Did a couple of tardigrades for my friend tardigrade twitch stream. You can check it out here: . It's so cool, really!

6 21

How can you call him ugly 😭

But I think it became a thing because tardigrades are near indestructible so nevies where saying we where like them or something like that?

3 6

Redesigning some of Chip's robot friends. This is Sprinkle's redesign. They're based off of a water filter / hose so I made them chunky to hold more water and also cuz they r cute. Also inspired by tardigrades (water bear)

What do yall think?

1 11

Forms due to environmental stressors

31 95

I finish an important sketchbook with this draw C: soon i will upload an a video with an sketchbook tour!

4 18

Echiniscus, Hypsibius and Isohypsibius
🔬All all the time 🔬

19 97

Cryobiosis /
Divergent survival patterns after different cooling rates might be induced due to the biological and physical effects of rapid cooling and ice crystal formation

32 130

Tom Sawyer but with Tardigrades!

Terry, a rambunctious water bear, loves to go on crazy adventures with his pet rolly polly Penny. When Penny becomes sick on his mushroom farm, Terry must work with his worst enemy--The Red Ants!

0 1

Tardigrade by Danielle Jones
Radiated Piglet/Tardigrade Knight by Enrique López Lorenzana
Tardigrade by George Brad
Tardigrades by Oleg Suptelia

8 36

Tardigrade by Julie Newcomb
Bottom by Svjeeta
Tardigrade by Shiri Blumenthal
Cime by Charlotte Cousquer

5 22

Terrible Titanic Tardigrades. That's three more Ts

5 51

Tardigrade Rider by Ubeyd Bayraktar
Combat Tardigrades by Alexander Ivanov
Cryptobiote by Sebastian Irmer
Tardigrades by Luis Tovar Timmermans

32 146

tardigrades are friend-shaped!

here‘s some doodles of career paths i want to take

0 7

Tardigrades' extreme durability comes from their ability to enter into a state known as cryptobiosis, where their metabolism decreases to 0.01% of normal levels. But are they tough enough to survive global warming?

1 0

You must have seen the artwork I commissioned from : tardigrades bringing life to planets via meteorites!

3 10

I was practicing a technique for SEM and accidentally broke some tardigrades. But I could take this pic of a Paramacrobiotus, where some storage cells (blue color) and what I think are muscles (pink color) can be seen

7 27

The DNA clouds that shield unkillable tardigrades from radiation

1 0

And done! I gave them a starry glow in the dark motif as a nod to how tardigrades can survive in space

11 39