It was revealed on a long Twitter thread that Hostiledino abused, and used Ari for money

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I've been rebuilding tiled scenes like mad in prep for the Hauntsfield game upgrade. Here's a few previews!

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Hey, last 2 editions of "Tiled Streaks

2.5 Tezos.

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i recommend setting this as your desktop background, tiled

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Just figured out something really fantastic with by slicing and clever masking you can make an infinitely tiled image!

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3 NFT on Primary
“See you again”
“Untiled 02”

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also here is an example of the one-tiled ones but im probably not gonna be using them

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Nick Wilde was spotted handing over a mysterious suitcase to Hostiledino at the White House, Scape, a bystander, suspects it's full of 3D printed guns.

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I tried setting up some graphics for tiles I'd have in the game, and I explored what it'd look like if I auto-tiled the walls. Looks a lot less busy, which is probably a really good thig.

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Map images in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are stored as several 256x256 images that get tiled together to make the full image. It seems like some areas had newer maps simply pasted onto older maps, so maps that became smaller left behind some tiles from previous revisions.

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SHOCKING!: Hostiledino recounts in detail the horrors of being roommates with a fish, Angra, and Billy Brocas!

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Was gonna put SF6 Chun Li in to Super Turbo as well, but tbh to properly display it would involve finding the sprite pointers, then the tiledef then the tilemap. Maybe later today but for now, here's the sprite. The left is organised the same as Chuns original idle

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When every portrait model fails, does its magic

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Doing a collaboration with they’re getting these lovely textures to be made I into underwear.

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Cosplayers - QRT and tell us who helped make your costume!!

Shae Vizla blaster 3D files by
Bayonetta embroidery by
Genji made with and
Skarlet wig stiled by

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Kouki said that Hostiledino's fursona looks dumb, and has terrible colors

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You got caught by Detective Artem! Your reaction?

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