James Tissot, Pilate Washes His Hands (Pilate se lave les mains), 1886-1894 https://t.co/5WYU44pD6u

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James Tissot, The Tribunal of Annas (Le tribunal d'Anne), 1886-1894 https://t.co/lF2BsJzqEL

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James Tissot, Saint Matthew (Saint Mathieu), 1886-1894 https://t.co/YS6eSKhJqN

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James Tissot, The Holy Virgin in Her Youth (La sainte vierge jeune), 1886-1894 https://t.co/qcgYeOE3aR

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James Tissot, The Sick Awaiting the Passage of Jesus (Les malades attendant le passage de Jésus), 1886-1894 https://t.co/5HrcFVtfpL

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James Tissot, Jesus Discourses with His Disciples (Jésus s'entretient avec ses disciples), 1886-1896 https://t.co/nxgOBcp3Ab

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James Tissot, Portrait of the Pilgrim (Portrait du pèlerin), 1886-1896 https://t.co/NQiVZLUqBA

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James Tissot, The Merchants Chased from the Temple (Les vendeurs chassés du Temple), 1886-1894 https://t.co/VgbHiLdfeW

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James Tissot, The Ear of Malchus (L'oreille de Malchus), 1886-1894 https://t.co/dCUNaNFPj7

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James Tissot, The Blind of Capernaum (Les aveugles de Capharnum), 1886-1896 https://t.co/kWVQNqwTlS

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James Tissot, The Two Blind Men at Jericho (Les deux aveugles à Jericho), 1886-1896 https://t.co/wzhadwl9EX

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James Tissot, Saint Peter Walks on the Sea (Saint Pierre marche sur la mer), 1886-1896 https://t.co/0piKf1ojs8

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James Tissot, The Angel and the Shepherds (L'ange et les bergers), 1886-1894 https://t.co/mJU8UG5G8x

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James Tissot, Types of Armenian Men in Jerusalem, 1886-1887 or 1889 https://t.co/RWkTFtA4Qv

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James Tissot, The Palsied Man Let Down through the Roof (Le paralytique descendu du toit), 1886-1896 https://t.co/JK5GQ2PNpN

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James Tissot, The Resurrection of the Widow's Son at Nain (La résurrection du fils de la veuve de Naïm), 1886-1896 https://t.co/2Zl2rRqK1n

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James Tissot, The Washing of the Feet (Le lavement des pieds), 1886-1894 https://t.co/y64uLkpSUH

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